Is Vietnamese star anise expensive? Let’s find out

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Are you trying to buy star anise from Vietnam? You think that the price is higher than other nations like China? Let’s read this article to know if star anise in Vietnam is expensive.

The overview of Vietnamese star anise

First, let us discuss the overview of star anise in Vietnam.


Illicium velum, also known as “Hồi” in Vietnamese or “Ba Jiao” in Chinese, is an evergreen tree that is indigenous to north Vietnam and south China. Its star-shaped pericarp is known as star anise. Star anise have been grown in Vietnam for hundreds of years, mostly in the province of Lang Son. However, Vietnamese star anise only gained its popularity until the late 1800s, when France came and declared Vietnam a colony. This is because the star anise from Vietnam was shipped to France and became popular for its taste and smell.


Vietnamese star anise is a fantastic spice for enhancing culinary taste and is also employed in several Western health programs due to its antibacterial qualities and high nutritional value.
Star anise has been proven to increase the immune system. This is because of the iron content that exists inside the star anise. It helps you in the operation process of important blood cells. Furthermore, star anise create the invisible shield against UV lights by providing Manganese. Not only that, Vietnam star anise can also help you prevent the development of some types of bacterias that are harmful to your body. With just a little Vietnamese star anise each day, you will have a stronger immune system and be safeguarded from common infections.
Star anise is steadily gaining worldwide appeal as a result of its crucial role in sustaining your health.

Different types

There are 3 types of star anise that are usually traded: Whole star anise, broken star anise and star anise powder. They are different in quality, flavor and price. Star anise powder is usually most expensive, followed by whole star anise, and broken star anise is the cheapest of the 3. They can also be classified based on the season. There are 2 seasons for harvesting star anise, which are Spring and Fall. The Spring star anise are usually more expensive due to the higher quality.

How much does Vietnamese star anise cost?

Each year, there are two primary crops of Vietnam star anise: the spring as well as the autumn. The cost of Vietnamese star anise changes as a result of the quality variations between the two crops. To be more precise, the rich flavor and scent of fall star anise contribute to its propensity to cost more. Consider this chart from K-Agriculture, the top supplier of star anise in Vietnam, which displays the pricing ranges for several varieties:

Product Quality FOB Price (USD/MT)
Whole star anise 10% broken, >2,5cm 84xx
Whole star anise 10% broken, 2-2,5 cm 73xx
Broken star anise Based on broken rates

Is star anise from Vietnam expensive at all?

The price of star anise from Vietnam might be a little bit higher than other nations’ star anise like China. However this is because of the high quality of Vietnam star anise. Vietnam has the best star anise in the world. Due to perfect conditions in growing and harvesting, the quality of Vietnamese star anise is incomparable.
Furthermore, if you think Vietnam star anise is expensive, you should know that this price has been reduced by multiple support from the Vietnamese government, which means that you could have been charged a higher price for that quality. Therefore, it is true to say that Vietnamese star anise is not expensive at all.

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